Find: [ \t]{2,}
Replace: ,
Removing spaces and replacing them with commas
Find:(\w+), (\w+), (.*)
Replace: $2 $1 \($3\)
captures the last name, first name, and affiliation, and adding parentheses
Find: ^\s*(\d{4} .+?\.mp3)\s*
Replace: $1\n
Captures any leading space and the numbers, then matches any trailing spaces. Then replaces the matched text with the captured group followed by a newline character.
Find: ^\s*(\d{4})\s(.+?)(\.mp3)
Captures the leading digit, and .mp3, then rearranges the captured groups into the new format
Captures the first letter of the genus, species name, numerical value. Then rearranges genus initial, species name, and last number
Captures the first four letters of the species name
Find: ^(\w{3})\w*,(\w{3})\w*,([\d\.]+),(\d+)$
Replace: $1$2, $4, $3
Captures the first three letters of the genus and species name, and numerical value. Rearrange the sequence using the first three letters of genus and species names and then the numbers
Changing the NA for 0 to get a binary column
Find: ,NA,
Replace: ,0,
Removing all the extra characters
Find: [^\w\s,]
Replace: with nothing
Matches any character that is not a word character, space, or a comma
There are some spaces after some words
Find: ,(\w+)\s+,
Matches a word followed by one or more space characters and a comma.Then remove the spaces and keep the word and commas